






Collaborative Research Center


Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing

We are living in a data society in which data is generated at amazing speed; individuals, companies, organizations, and governments are on the brink of being drawn into a massive deluge of data. The great challenge is to extract the relevant information from vast amounts of data and communicate it effectively.

Typical scenarios include decision and policy making for urban and environmental planning or understanding relationships and dependencies in complex networks, e.g., social networks or networks from the field of bioinformatics. These scenarios are not only of interest to specialized experts; in fact, there is a trend toward including the broad public, which requires the information to be presented in a reliable, faithful, and easy-to-understand fashion.

Visual computing can play a key role in extracting and presenting the relevant information.

In visual computing research the aspect of quantification is often neglected. The SFB-TRR 161 seeks to close this gap.

The long-term goal is to strengthen the research field by establishing the paradigm of quantitative science in visual computing.


January 2025

January 29, 2025
Benedikt Ehinger and Team on Tagesthemen

SFB-TRR 161 project leader helps journalist investigate the question whether meditating can reduce our brain activity
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January 8, 2025
Project Leader Andreas Bulling Joins Editorial Board of TVCG

Published by the IEEE Computer Society, TVCG is a top-tier journal in the field of visualization.
» more »

December 2024

December 6, 2024
Andreas Bulling Appointed as Henriette Herz Scout

Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides unique funding opportunity on the postdoctoral level
» more »

SFB-TRR 161 Events

Feb 3rd, 2025, 4 pm - 6 pm

University of Stuttgart

Lecture | tbd

Held by:

Jürgen Bernard, Universität Zürich


Jürgen Bernard is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland. He is leading the Interactive Visual Data Analysis (IVDA) Group. He is affiliated with the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), the interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research initiative of the UZH. Jürgen Bernard studied Computer Sciences with focus on Computer Graphics and Bio Technology at the University of Technology of Darmstadt. His Diploma thesis in 2009 was about the visual-interactive cluster analysis using neural networks. He received his PhD Degree in 2015, when he was with Fraunhofer IGD. His thesis was about “Exploratory Search in Time-Oriented Primary Data”. In 2016, Jürgen Bernard started as a Post-doc researcher at TU Darmstadt at Interactive Graphics Systems Group, leading the Visual-Interactive Machine Learning Group. In 2019, Jürgen Bernard became a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, where he joined the InfoVis group, led by Professor Tamara Munzner.


University of Stuttgart, Visualization Research Center (VISUS), Room: 00.012
The lecture will be transmitted to the University of Konstanz, Room: ZT 702

All doctoral researchers are asked to take part in the events of the lecture series.

Feb 7th, 2025, 10.30 am -12 pm

University of Stuttgart

Talk | Sensibly Sound: Human-Centered Integration of Sonification and Visualization

Held by:

Elias Elmquist, Linköping University, Sweden


Audiovisual data interfaces have the potential to increase information retention to get a more comprehensive understanding of a dataset or situation compared to unimodal interfaces, while also involving more senses to further engage the user. This can enable the distribution of data variables to any of the two senses to reduce the risk of cognitive overload, or highlighting specific data variables by mapping them to both of the sensory modalities. However, the success of an audiovisual data interface is dependent on the integration of the two senses and how this integration is utilized in the resulting interface.

In this talk I will present the work included in my PhD thesis, which aims to provide a human-centered integration of sonification and visualization. Sonification is the use of sound to convey information, and the human-centered approach involves creating perceptually motivated designs by utilizing how the auditory and visual systems complement each other, and working with domain experts and users during the design process of the sonification. I will also briefly mention my overall research interests, and what I intend to be working on in the near future at your university.


Elias Elmquist is a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Media and Information Technology division at Linköping University in Norrköping, Sweden. He studies the integration of visualization and its auditory counterpart sonification for analytical and communicative tasks. His general research interests include multi-sensory integration and its application to immersive environments.


University of Stuttgart, VISUS, Room 00.012

The talk will be available via WebEx.

Meeting-ID (access code): 2732 469 8153
Meeting password: uFABnDmF527

For participants via WebEx: The transmission will kindly be managed by Patrick Gralka.  He will be on site and monitor/manage the WebEx-Session incl. Q&A during and after the talk as well. Please don´t hesitate to get in touch with Patrick in case of questions or problems regarding the transmission/your online participation: Patrick.Gralka@visus.uni-stuttgart.de

Feb 10th, 2025, 4 pm - 6 pm

University of Stuttgart

Lecture | De-cluttering Scatterplots with Integral Images

Held by:

Dr. Vladimir Molchanov, Münster University


Scatterplots provide a visual representation of bivariate data (or 2D embeddings of multivariate data) that allows for effective analyses of data dependencies, clusters, trends, and outliers. Unfortunately, classical scatterplots suffer from scalability issues, since growing data sizes eventually lead to overplotting and visual clutter on a screen with a fixed resolution, which hinders the data analysis process. We propose an algorithm that compensates for irregular sample distributions by a smooth transformation of the scatterplot's visual domain. Our algorithm evaluates the scatterplot's density distribution to compute a regularization mapping based on integral images of the rasterized density function. The mapping preserves the samples' neighborhood relations. Few regularization iterations suffice to achieve a nearly uniform sample distribution that efficiently uses the available screen space. We propose approaches to visually convey the transformation that was applied to the scatterplot. We further propose a generalization of our regularization scheme using sector-based transformations with the aim of increasing sample uniformity of the resulting scatterplot. We document the improvement of our approach using various uniformity measures.


Vladimir Molchanov received a PhD in Mathematics in 2008 from Jacobs University Bremen. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Linsen at the University of Münster. His research focuses on multidimensional data visualization, projection methods, and interactive data analysis.


University of Stuttgart, VISUS,  Room 00.012

The lecture will be available via WebEx.

Meeting-ID (access code): tbd
Meeting password: tbd

For participants via WebEx: The transmission will kindly be managed by Patrick Gralka.  He will be on site and monitor/manage the WebEx-Session incl. Q&A during and after the talk as well. Please don´t hesitate to get in touch with Patrick in case of questions or problems regarding the transmission/your online participation: Patrick.Gralka@visus.uni-stuttgart.de

Apr 3rd, 2025, 9.00 am - 4.00 pm

University of Stuttgart

Girls' Day Workshop: Hightech trifft Kreativität

In Kooperation mit dem Visualisierungsinstitut der Universität Stuttgart (VISUS) bietet der SFB-TRR 161 zum Girls' Day 2025 folgenden Workshop an:

Hightech trifft Kreativität: Dein Girls' Day in der virtuellen Welt

Du hast Interesse an modernster Technik? Bei uns kannst du erfahren, wie es ist, mit den neuesten Technologien für Virtuelle Realität zu arbeiten. Wir bieten einen Einblick in unsere spannenden Forschungsarbeiten und eine spielerische Einführung in die Programmierung an.

Neben coolen Demos von aktuellen Forschungsprojekten bis hin zu Fragerunden mit etablierten Forscherinnen ist bei uns ein volles Programm gegeben. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Geeignet für Klasse 9 - 10

Zur Anmeldung

May 26th - 28th, 2025, full days

Humboldt Haus, Aichberg bei Lindau am Bodensee

Doctoral Retreat of the SFB-TRR 161

Oct 6th - 7th, 2025, full days

HdbL Herrsching

Internal Status Seminar of the SFB-TRR 161

Further Information & Resources


The SFB-TRR 161 produces videos to give insights into the projects and the ongoing research. Please visit our YouTube Channel.

Go to YouTube

Graduate School

Graduate School

PhD students of the projects at the Universities of Stuttgart and Konstanz learn and do research together on their way to their doctoral degree in visual computing.

Graduate School

Visual Computing Blog

Visual Computing Blog

The scientists of the SFB-TRR 161 as well as guest authors blog about their activities in computer graphics, visualization, computer vision, augmented reality, human-computer interaction, and psychology.

Visual Computing BLOG

Partners of the SFB-TRR 161